IBM seeks Orange County IDA financial benefits for Sterling Forest facility upgrades


NEW WINDSOR – IBM wants to upgrade its resiliency center in the Town of Tuxedo and has asked the Orange County Industrial Development Agency for financial exemptions.
IDA Associate Executive Director Laurie Villasuso said Big Blue made its initial request at Thursday’s agency meeting.
“It’s a data center for customers where in the event of a failure, say some company’s computer system failure, they would be able to operate through the resiliency center,” Villasuso said. “There are a lot of updates that need to be made to stay, not only relevant in terms of technology but in supporting systems, so generators, HVAC, power supply redundancy, IT systems, and they are looking to invest at least $50 million into that and they applied to the IDA for a sales tax exemption for those purchases.”
The IDA will hold a hearing on the proposed exemption to gain public input on the request.

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