Ulster Lawmakers will have opportunity to approve dedicating occupancy tax on housing and transportation

Ulster County Office Building. MHNN file photo.

KINGSTON – A resolution to dedicate occupancy tax on hotel rooms on transportation and housing in Ulster County will come up for a vote by the full county legislature at its June meeting.

It failed to make it out of committee earlier in May, but Majority Leader Abe Uchitelle secured enough votes for it to be placed on the full agenda.

He is confident that it will be approved by the lawmakers on June 18.

“I have already spoken to some of the members of the committee that it didn’t succeed in, and I think I can win them over,” he said. “I am going to work to build their trust and implore my colleagues on just how important that we invest in housing, and we invest in transportation and I’m optimistic that we will be successful this time around.”

If successful, 25 percent of the occupancy tax would be applied to housing and 25 percent to transportation initiatives.

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