Beephan denounces Dunkin’ detractor

A man in a clown costume held a sign outside of Dunkin Donuts in Hopewell Junction (photo provided)

HOPEWELL JUNCTION- A man dressed as a clown holding a sign featuring offensive language outside of the Dunkin’ Donuts on Route 82 in Hopewell Junction has drawn the ire of Assemblyman Anil Beephan.

Beephan condemned the man’s behavior and described his conduct as disturbing.  The man, who is believed to be Steven Turnbull of Mahopac, was holding a sign that read, “Dunkin Donuts Hire:  Retards They Suck.”

“The language used in this display is utterly unacceptable and deeply offensive to our community,” said Beephan.  “We stand firmly against all forms of discrimination and hate speech, especially when directed towards vulnerable communities and our working residents whom I have gotten to know personally over the years.”

Beephan plans to meet with the Dunkin’ Donuts employees who work at the Hopewell Junction location.


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