Danskammer formally pulls plug on plans to redevelop power plant

Hudson River Sloop Clearwater approaching Danskammer.

TOWN OF NEWBURGH – In the wake of the State Department of Environmental Conservation’s October 2021 denial of a Title V air quality permit, the new owners of the Danskammer electric generating plant in the Town of Newburgh have formally pulled the plug on the project.

Danskammer Energy, LLC’s legal counsel notified the DEC on Monday that it is withdrawing its applications to expand the plant.

Stephen Ballentine, Scenic Hudson’s director of Environmental Advocacy, Government Relations & Public Policy said the decision is a huge victory for the region.

“The expanded Danskammer plant would have been terrible for the climate, terrible for public for public health and terrible for the entire region,” he said.

The current Danskammer operates a “peaker” plant that operates a small amount of time. The permit in place for that facility is in place through April 2025.

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