Month-long celebration of Ramadan continues

Food Coordinator Mohammad Majeed

NEWBURGH – Ramadan, known as the Islamic calendar’s ninth month, started nearly three weeks ago, March 10, and concludes April 9. And during this month, worshippers fast from dawn to sunset. 

 Mohammad Majeed, is a member of Al Ikhlas, Newburgh’s mosque.  

“I’m fasting, I feel good; God gives me more energy.”

Majeed was the food coordinator Thursday as worshippers were preparing to break their fast when the sun was getting ready to set. 

“It’s religion-based,” said Majeed, Ramadan’s daily fast, “and it’s good for your body, too.”

  Men and women each have their own entrances, prayer and dining spaces at the mosque. Ramadan is the most pious month for Muslims, and it changes every year.  The fast and breaking it is one part of this religious tradition along with prayers and a daily reading of the Quran.

“During this month,” said Amir Tillery, a worshipper, said for “every Muslim, it’s mandatory he read his Quran from the front page to the last page.”

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