Letter to the Editor: Reauthorize CFATS to protect communities from dangerous chemical incidents

Mid-Hudson News accepts Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,

The recent chemical plant incident in Shepherd, Texas underscores the critical need to reauthorize the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program that expired earlier this year and was in place to keep communities safe since the days following the 9/11 attacks.

As a law enforcement officer, military veteran, and former police union president, I understand the critical importance of CFATS in safeguarding our communities and environment from the threat of dangerous chemical incidents, both accidental and intentional.

The CFATS program provides vital security standards and regulations for chemical facilities, ensuring that they are adequately prepared to prevent and respond to potential incidents.  The protection of our residents, first responders, and the environment relies on the strength and uniformity of these security measures.

As a former police union president, I understand the importance of ensuring our officers have the training and resources necessary to protect our communities.  Reauthorizing CFATS will facilitate and support training and the acquisition of critical equipment for our first responders.  This is not just an investment in their safety; it’s an investment in the safety of every citizen.

Chemical incidents do not respect jurisdictional boundaries, and we rely on CFATS to establish uniformity in our response.  With consistent standards nationwide, we can better coordinate efforts to respond to incidents.  A number of members of my union have deployed across the nation to deal with natural disasters and knowing that standards are consistent allows them to be more effective when outside their normal area of operations.

I respectfully, yet strongly, urge New York’s Congressional delegation led by Senate Majority Leader Schumer, House Minority Leader Jeffries, House GOP Chairwoman Stefanik, and Congressman Molinaro to support reauthorizing CFATS.  It is our collective and bi-partisan duty to protect our residents from chemical dangers, and CFATS plays a vital role in fulfilling that duty.

Ryan Law
Highland, NY

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