Letter to the Editor: Why I support Robin Licari for Town Supervisor


Dear Editor,

I am writing to explain why I support Robin Licari for Town Supervisor.
I’ve worked with her for a number of years and I find her very capable and great at both administration and managing people.  These are critical skills for a supervisor.  Additionally, she has been active in the community and her church as a volunteer for many years.  She has deep roots in Wappinger.  She is concerned about our environment and making the town of Wappinger a better place to live in.  Wappinger Creek is contaminated, we’ve made a substantial investment in Carnwath Farms but the community doesn’t benefit from this.  Her opponent has been heading up this project but so far no results have been made visible to town residents.
Robin is the person who should be our next supervisor.
Jaya Srikrishnan
Wappingers Falls

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