Chief of Cardiac Surgery joins Vassar Brothers Medical Center

Dr. Abeel Mangi. Photo provided.

POUGHKEEPSIE- Since joining Nuvance Health in late 2022, heart surgeon Dr. Abeel Mangi projects completing more than 180 valve cases and 120 coronary bypass grafting cases in his first year.

“We repair more heart valves than anyone in the area,” Dr. Mangi said.  “You can get the same level of high-quality care you would in New York City.”

Dr. Mangi has served as chief of cardiac surgery at Vassar Brothers Medical Center since October 2022.  He brings a distinguished record of clinical expertise having most recently served as chief cardiac surgeon and chairman of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Medstar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. Prior to that, he was a professor of cardiac surgery at Yale Medical School in New Haven, Conn., where he was on the faculty for 10 years.

He specializes in complex and re-operative cardiac surgery; catheter-based and minimally invasive aortic and mitral valve repair and replacement, aortic reconstruction and all-arterial coronary bypass grafting.

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