Letter to the Editor: Fiddling While Rome Burns


Dear Editor,

Congressman Marc Molinaro has apparently decided to emulate the Emperor Nero except, in this case, it is America that’s burning instead of only Rome.  While Molinaro fiddles around supporting an agenda defined by MAGA Republicans, the real consequences of climate change are piling up.

For instance, the Wall Street Journal reports that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is leading a $2.6 billion project to build tidal gates, pump stations, and pipes to redirect water from heavy rainfall and tidal flooding in order to protect just one military base, Naval Station Norfolk, the home port of our Navy’s Fleet Forces Command.  Thankfully, the military is taking climate change seriously but what about Molinaro?

With the exception of Hudson River communities, Molinaro’s Congressional District 19 will not see any coastal flooding.  But we are seeing more extreme weather including intense storms that cause severe local damage.  Plus it’s our taxes that fund the protection of Naval Station Norfolk and pay for the ever increasing number of natural disasters throughout the country.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that there have been at least ten major disasters every year since 2015 that each cost $1 billion or more.  And what’s Marc Molinaro doing?  Voting for legislation such as H.R. 734 to limit transgendered athletes from playing high school sports.  Meanwhile Rome is burning, Congressman Molinaro.

John L. Bennett
East Chatham, NY

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