A Gentle Art Of Understanding The Color Symbolism


Color symbolism is well known in religion and spiritual traditions as they reflect some sacred language to depict sentiments, beliefs, and ideas. Numerous individuals claim that our eyes unconsciously interpret and respond to different colors, which may be partially correct. Undoubtedly it is a vital part of our visual communication. The color does not need words to convey its idea. It automatically represents the meaning through associated colors to different objects, pictures, and events. 

For example, you are randomly scrolling your social media and find an ad for a Bitcoin casino with eye-catching colors. You can’t resist downloading it. In this article, you will learn about the color meaning and how it spreads your message without using words.


Red: Reflect Passion, Love & Anger

The origin of the word red is “redden,” and it has been associated with blood and scratch. From this statement, one can notice that both are life-giving fluids. If they are going to leave their natural limitations, they will cause pain or death. In South and Latin America, red is related to alarm or warning signs. Many designers worldwide use red because it creates an impactful image for the viewer. As a creator, you can use it to highlight something important that needs attention. 


Orange: Shows Creativity And Keenness

Orange illustrates the level of creativity, willpower, and hard work. One thing that makes orange partially different from other colors is its ability to gain the attention of others. For example, fire trucks and ambulances use orange to show emergency or warning signs. Some people believe that orange indicates your optimistic and great leadership personality. It encourages people to take risks without fear of failure. As a business owner of a famous brand, you can use orange color in your logos to represent how energetic they are. 


Yellow: Represent Desire, Improvisation, And Satisfaction

Have you ever noticed the shiny sun or the sunflowers early in the morning? It represents new beginnings, a fresh start, and a hope-filled day. Different cultures have given it a different meaning. In Africa, yellow signs indicate wealth, whereas, in America, it’s a sign of grieving. Some cultures believe it’s a sign of royalty because of its association with gold. Russian brides mostly use this color in their wedding ceremonies because it reflects their happiness and satisfaction for their partners. As a designer, you can use the yellow color on your website to spread positivity.


Green: Indicate Environment, Steadiness, And Balance

We usually see the green color in the parks that indicate the health of plants and, above all, the environment. Most doctors recommend you to go for a morning walk because they know that fresh air and a healthy environment will open your mind along with being active. Many sensitive brands, like Nestle, use green colors to focus on healthy products. Even the best welcome bonuses for Canadian players are also in green color because it indicates their stability, interest, plus willingness. If you are designing a website related to the environment, make the green color your priority and try to use it maximum.


Bottom Line

Many individuals think that colors are just added for the sake of beauty. In actuality, it conveys your values, mission, purpose, and vision. Selecting the right colors for your brand means communicating with others indirectly. Don’t take your time with choosing the colors; take some time and guess which color will effectively communicate your message.

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