Ryan says  Zinc8’s announced location at former Tech City site signals its rebirth


TOWN OF ULSTER – The rebirth of the former IBM site in the Town of Ulster has begun, Congressman Pat Ryan (D, NY-18) said, following the announcement that Zinc8, a battery storage facility, will develop its US headquarters at what is now called iPark 87.

Ryan, the former Ulster County executive, lauded Zinc8’s decision.

“From my first day as county executive, I said we are going to turn around this old IBM site right outside of Kingston, which is by the way where my grandpa worked for 36 years, and they left us all hanging and we worked really hard, so many people, the whole community, to revitalize and start bringing this site back on line,” he said.

Recently large piles of contaminated debris were removed from the property, making way for new development.



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