Tenants’ rights groups call on state to adopt good cause legislation


NEWBURGH – Several tenants’ rights organizations are banding together to urge the state to adopt good cause legislation to prevent landlords from evicting tenants without a good reason.

The Newburgh City Council adopted such a local law recently; however, landlords challenged it in court and had it thrown out.

Now, the groups are turning up the heat to get Albany to adopt such a law statewide, said Rene Mejia, the community organizer for the group For the Many.

“We are urging that we have good cause passed across the state and we make sure that not just our local electeds, but our state electeds, that the governor, passes ‘Our Homes, Our Power Package’ because we need protection as tenants,” he told a rally on Thursday.

Evan Menist, majority leader for the Poughkeepsie Common Council, worked with local activists to adopt good cause legislation in his city. He said it is “despicable to think that corporate greed is pushing people to try to overturn in the City of Poughkeepsie just like they are in the City of Newburgh.”

He pledged his support for the residents of the City of Newburgh in their efforts to uphold good cause legislation.


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