Letter to the Editor: Winston Farm projects bring more questions


Dear Editor:

Another Winston Farm mailer came the other day calling for support of their proposed transformative project without any (even they take pains to point out) specific or concrete plan. How can any rational person sign a blank check, no matter how trustworthy the payee may be, if they can’t tell you what the check is for? Even with the best intentions stated, increasing job opportunities, for example, there may well be unwanted consequences without specific study. To wit: throughout Saugerties, you can see an abundance of ‘help wanted’ signs indicating businesses are experiencing trouble filling jobs that already exist. If this project adds more pressure to that demand, might it make it even more difficult for existing businesses to secure, or even retain, the workforce they have or need to survive… will they fall prey to the “success” of the Winston Farm project? Further, does the promise of employment draw even more people from out of town, competing with locals and putting more upward pressure on services and housing — at a time with the already inflated “market priced” housing that many locals can’t afford. What is the plan to provide the promised “affordable” housing that would benefit these workers and young families?

Wouldn’t it be better to bring a specific plan to the table, with clear consideration of the whole dynamic of our town, for people to evaluate, and then ask for our support?  Four generations of my family currently live in Saugerties. We would love to see Saugerties grow in a way that allows our families – young and old – to prosper here.

Let’s see the plans of these venerable gentlemen with an open mind and review the science that supports the sustainability of their proposals.  How about taking a less divisive approach by working together through the SEQRA process towards the goal of getting the transformative development Saugerties deserves?


Virginia Luppino
Saugerties, NY

The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Mid-Hudson News.


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