Poughkeepsie City PD add crime fighting tool to arsenal

Poughkeepsie police at crime scene (file)

POUGHKEEPSIE -The Poughkeepsie City Police Department is adding a new crime-fighting tool to its technology arsenal in an effort to respond to and crack down on crimes as soon as they occur.

Mayor Rob Robison said the city is teaming up with Flock Safety systems to provide real-time electronic surveillance in the city.

“We are purchasing new audio and camera technology – being smart, can’t have a cop on every corner – that will be able to recognize sounds associated with certain types of crimes – gunshots, screeching tires – and it sends data in real-time to our 911 center so we can send police officers sooner than maybe a phone call. We are very encouraged about that because, as you know, when something happens, seconds do matter and we see that when our officers are able to intercede in something,” the mayor said.

State Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson (D, Newburgh) has been instrumental in securing funding for the new system and other crime-fighting technology, said Rolison.

The new system is estimated to cost $55,000 per year to operate.

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