Maloney pledges to continue working for seniors


WASHINGTON – Medicare, cost of prescription drugs, and other healthcare issues dominated the discussion Monday evening as Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D, NY-18) conducted a telephone town-hall session with senior citizens.

Those issues have been of particular concern as the pandemic continues for more than two years.

“Things like Medicare and Social Security, they are so important to our seniors. You will never see going after either. I’m working on expanding them and making them work better for you. I think it is some of the best money we invest,” he said. “And, by the way, Social Security, we are giving you your money back. I mean, you paid into it for years, and Medicare, you are paying these taxes out your whole working life and you ought to have those benefits when you need them.”

Maloney said he is confident that the latest relief bill that is stalled in Congress, will be resolved.

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