Ulster County needs poll workers for election day


KINGSTON – The United States Election Assistance Commission has proclaimed September 1st National Poll Worker Recruitment Day.  The Ulster County Board of Elections and the New York State Board of Elections is asking all registered voters to pitch in and Help New York Vote for the November 3rd general election.

The Ulster County Board of Elections compensates poll workers $15 per hour plus $60 to attend a training class. Training classes will begin in mid-September with both in-person and online training options available. A grant was used to create online training classes and content that will allow training for the workforce. Ulster County anticipates training an inspector workforce of over 500 people.

“By encouraging more people to become poll workers in their communities, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day aims to address the critical shortage of poll workers, strengthen our democracy, inspire greater civic engagement and volunteerism, and help ensure free and fair elections in November and beyond,” said Robert Brehm, Co-Executive Director of the State Board of Elections.

“In New York State, 55 percent of all poll workers are over the age of 60, making them especially vulnerable to complications if they contract COVID-19,’ said Peter Kosinski, Co-Chair of the State Board. “This has resulted in a critical need for poll workers who are willing and able to assist with the administration of in-person during Early Voting and on Election Day.”

“As an Election Inspector, you play an important part in the process that enables citizens to exercise their constitutional right to vote. The success or failure of the election process depends on how well inspectors carry out their responsibilities,’ said Commissioner Ashley Dittus and Deputy Commissioner John Quigley “We want our inspectors to give voters confidence in the fairness and effectiveness of the election process.”

As a poll worker, you will prepare the polling place for voting, set up voting equipment, sign-in, and process voters, enforce social distancing, demonstrate voting procedures, sanitize voting equipment, assist voters, close the polling place, and canvass and report election results.

To be eligible, you must be a New York State registered voter.  Poll Workers get paid for training and each election day they work.  Applying is simple.  If you live outside New York City, fill out the form found here:  www.elections.ny.gov/BecomePollworker.html.

If you have any questions, please contact the Ulster County Board of at 845-334-5470 or by email at Elections@co.ulster.ny.us.

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