Letter to the Editor: Save the Bridge Authority

Mid-Hudson Bridge (file)

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, abolishing the NYS Bridge Authority by “merging” it with the NYS Thruway Authority was a terrible idea. Now it’s an even more egregious action because it would mean the Hudson Valley economy, already devastated by the current situation, would likely never recover.

As director of Historic Bridges of the Hudson Valley, I know the history and current state of the NYS Bridge Authority and its contribution to the economy of the Hudson Valley better than most people. The bridges of the NYS Bridge Authority made the Hudson Valley what it is today. As stated by many others, our Hudson Valley Bridges are like Main Streets. They connect us across the Hudson River, from our homes to our jobs, our schools, shopping, and entertainment. Our low tolls, lowest in the nation for long-span bridges, make it possible for us to cross the river for less than the cost of a cup of coffee.

The Thruway Authority is inept, in debt, and is looking for a cash cow, by raising our tolls, to help them dig out of the hole they’re in from the multi-billion dollar outlay for the Mario Cuomo Bridge. No one is fooled that the “merger” is to remove “overlapping” costs. The Bridge Authority receives NO TAX money, unlike the billions of NYS funds provided to the Thruway Authority. Those who use the bridges, pay for maintaining the bridges. Governor Cuomo, keep the Bridge Authority in the Hudson Valley to save the Hudson Valley.

Kathryn Burke

Newburgh, NY

Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Mid-Hudson News.

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