Poughkeepsie families benefit from generosity of firefighters

Poughkeepsie firefighters delivered Thanksgiving meals to families in Poughkeepsie. Photo by Lt. Christopher Burke.

POUGHKEEPSIE – City of Poughkeepsie firefighters, members of IAFF Local 596, spent Monday afternoon delivering Thanksgiving meals to 10 families throughout the city. 

Local 596 purchased the food, including turkeys and all of the fixings to deliver to families in need based on a list compiled by Lieutenant Paul Bucher.  The Lieutenant worked with teachers in the Poughkeepsie City School District to choose the families.

The firefighters took time on the weekend to purchase the food and then put the packages together at the Hooker Avenue Firehouse Monday afternoon.  

As he prepared to climb aboard Ladder 1, Union President Nick Bucher said that he and his 58 fellow firefighters do this annually.

Poughkeepsie firefighters on their way to delivering a Thanksgiving meal.

“We adopt a few families every year; drop off food for Thanksgiving, just to give back to the community that supports us.”  

Bucher’s sentiments were echoed by Fire Chief Mark Johnson who said “It’s something that needs to be done to help the community that needs our help!” Ladder 1 was joined by Engine 3 as they made the rounds throughout the city delivering food while still being ready to respond to any emergency requiring firefighters to help.

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