Cropsey Barn renovation complete


NEW CITY – Restoration of the 1796 New World Dutch Barn in Clarkstown has been completed with local officials celebrating the milestone. The structure has been listed on the National Registry of Historic Places since 2017. In 2006, Rockland County partnered with the town to take ownership of the Cropsey property in order to preserve it as open space with the county owning 61 percent and the town 31 percent.

The total cost of the project was $1.55 million with the Town of Clarkstown contributing $604,000 and the remainder coming from the Rockland County Capital Projects Budget.

“Not that long ago there were farms and barns all over Rockland as most people made their living from the land. This barn is beautiful, and its restoration allows us to preserve an important part of Rockland’s agriculture past and provide for the County’s environmental and recreational future,” said County Executive Edwin Day.

Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann said, “Clarkstown is proud to have partnered with the County of Rockland on the restoration of the historic Cropsey Barn. The Cropsey barn is a true jewel in the heart of Rockland County and the Town of Clarkstown; a glimpse into a period of time that’s long gone.”

Rockland Farm Alliance President John McDowell said, “As we celebrate the masterful completion of the renovated historic Cropsey Barn, we honor those who toiled to create this farm in the past as well as those who will continue to farm here, with this barn, well into the future. We also congratulate the project’s architects and artisans, whose work has resulted in the restoration of this truly “one-of-a kind” barn. Rockland Farm Alliance is committed to making this space one that each adult and child in Rockland County can experience and enjoy. We are honored to be part of the effort to make Cropsey Farm a place where everyone can learn about the value of this precious land and healthy organic ”

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