Schumer backs legislation to have nationwide FBI effort to combat cyber-attacks


WASHINGTON – A recent rash of cyber-attacks on school district computer systems including Monroe-Woodbury and Rhinebeck has prompted legislation in Washington seeking a full-court press by the FBI.

US Senator Charles Schumer (D, NY) said sophisticated ransomware must be stopped.

“You need the FBI to figure out who is doing this, where they are and how to stop them. And when you look at just one attack, you can’t figure that out very well, but when you look at a whole lot of attacks you can. So, we need the FBI nationwide to coordinate what is going on and try to stop it.”

Schumer would also like the local FBI offices to pay special attention to ransomware and reach out to local districts and work with them.

The senator said many of those who commit those cyber-attacks are conducting their nefarious activities from foreign countries.

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