Mid-Hudson region launches new transit study, survey for Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster counties


MID-HUDSON – Three counties have partnered to launch a new regional transit study called Connect Mid-Hudson. The aim of the study is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the existing regional transit network and identify opportunities to improve regional connections.
The Mid-Hudson Valley region is served by a number of transit providers, including bus, rail, and ferry operations. However, the services are spread among multiple public and private providers, and coordination is limited. The Connect Mid-Hudson study seeks to take a fresh look at the effectiveness of the existing regional transit network in meeting the mobility needs of residents and visitors of the three-county region.
Public participation is vital to the success of this study. Whether you are a current transit rider, or just an interested citizen, you are encouraged to participate in the Connect Mid-Hudson Regional Transit Survey. In addition, members of the study team will be visiting major transit hubs and other key destinations throughout the three-county region to collect input on regional transit improvements from area commuters. 

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