Orange County IDA pulls plug on proposed shopping center incentives


NEW WINDSOR – A proposed
large shopping venue on Route 300 across from the Newburgh Mall in the
Town of Newburgh has for now, lost the financial incentives provided to
it by the Orange County Industrial Development Agency.
A number of proposals have come and gone to develop the property. The latest is under the name of Ridge Hudson Valley.
IDA Chief Operating Officer Laurie Villasuso said the planned mall has been stalled for about a year.
“There has been no progress on the process and in addition when
they requested the PILOT and the financing both the town and the school
board weren’t in favor of it so we rescinded the approval for that,”
Villasuso said. “So if the Ridge wants to move forward, they can;
it was rescinded without prejudice. It’s just that they would have
to reapply with new details and a new financing structure.”
The IDA Board also rescinded the last two years of a PILOT agreement with HUB One in the Town of Deerpark.

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