Poughkeepsie looking at $36 million in capital projects over next five years


of Poughkeepsie’s finance commissioner, William Brady has briefed
the common council on money the city may spend as part of a five-year
capital plan for 2019-2023.
Brady said some major infrastructure work currently underway will continue.
“Reservoir project at College Hill, to be followed up by phase
two of that project which improves the water transmission line throughout
the city.  That project is about 50 percent … less than 50percent
completed.  We spent approximately $4.3 million of that project and
have I think about $6 million to go.”
Brady said proposed project that would start during the five-year plan include more major infrastructure improvements.
“Three bridges.  The Garden Street Bridge, Washington Street Bridge, Mansion Street Bridge at Pershing Avenue and we’ve also got identified in there, citywide improvement to all parks, Mayor Rolison’s initiative and we talked a little bit about lead service line replacement project throughout the city.”
A public hearing on the capital plan will be held prior to the next council meeting on September 17. 

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