Truckers ask holiday weekend drivers for some common courtesy


Fitzpatrick says there’s room for everyone, including his big rig, on the highways

PLATTEKILL – The Labor Day weekend, which begins unofficially this afternoon as people get a jump on the end-of-summer holiday, will mean an exponential increase in cars, SUVs and vans on the road.  It may not be much of a holiday for tractor-trailer drivers who will keep on truckin’. 
The New York State Thruway Authority, State Department of Transportation and the Trucking Association of New York conducted several “safety breaks” at Thruway rest stops on Thursday. 
Joe Fitzpatrick, president of Modena-based Lightning Express, brought his big rig to the Plattekill rest area, along with a message.
“Any emergency vehicles that are pulled over, whether it’s tow truck, police, ambulance, construction; when it’s safe, you must move over to the next lane,” Fitzpatrick said.  Anytime you see flashing yellow, blue or red lights, move over, or if you can’t, slow down.  
Fitzpatrick said the truckers are also looking for some courtesy and common sense from other drivers.
“Just trying to make the public aware of the truck’s blind spots where a truck driver will not be able to see cars when they travel in certain lanes or certain spots, whether in front or in back of the truck or on the side.”
That means avoiding the truck’s “no zones” by not following too close (tailgating), cutting too close in front, or staying just back of the cab on either side.

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