Restaurateur honors combat vets with parking spot


The popular eatery

LIBERTY – Rich Hering, owner of Mister G’s Restaurant on
Sullivan Avenue in Liberty, wanted to do something to honor the nation’s
war veterans and he came up with an idea that he believes is one of a

We have all seen parking spots at shopping centers and restaurants for
the handicapped, and even for senior citizens and expectant moms. But,
as far as Hering knows, no one has a reserved spot for a combat veteran.

With that in mind, he has created a spot prominently located in the parking
lot of his popular eatery.


“The irony is we could be full here at the restaurant and that
spot will be empty and people are honoring it, not parking there and leaving
it open for somebody who is combat wounded,” he told Mid-Hudson

Hering reflects on one incident in which a man came into the restaurant
recently and asked to speak with the owner.

“He said, ‘I just want to tell you, I have never seen that
before and what an honor it is,’ and he started crying because we
would honor the combat veterans in that way,” Hering reflected.
The restaurateur said he wanted to acknowledge and honor those who serve
and are wounded and he suggested shopping centers and other retail and
public establishments consider doing the same.


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