Inmate attacks state corrections officer


FALLSBURG – A female state corrections officer was injured when she was assaulted by on Saturday, August 25 at the Sullivan Correctional Facility in Fallsburg.
According to an “assault alert” from the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association obtained by Mid-Hudson News, a female officer was making rounds during inmate cell cleanup and approached an open cell to question an inmate as to whether he was going to clean.
The inmate suddenly grabbed the officer by the forearm and tried to drag her into the cell. The officer broke free and pushed the inmate away.
The inmate continued to grab at her as the officer sprayed the inmate with pepper spray. It did not bring the achieved effect and the inmate continued to pull the officer into his cell.
The officer, using upper body holds, brought the inmate to the floor of his cell. The inmate continued to resist and the officer hit him again with pepper spray without the desired effect.
Another responding officer arrived and directed the inmate to put his hands behind his back, which he did. Mechanical restraints were placed on him.
The officer was sent to Orange Regional Medical Center in the Town of Wallkill for treatment of multiple injuries to her face, knees, ribs, hip and shoulder. The officer was later release but could not return to duty. 

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