Copart Auto Auctions in “very early stages,” says E. Fishkill supervisor


EAST FISHKILL – A proposal for the Copart Auto Auctions company to purchase Stormville Airport and convert a portion of the more than 100-acre site into an auto storage and auction facility similar to one in the Town of Newburgh, is in its very early stages, East Fishkill Town Supervisor Nicholas D’Alessandro said on Monday.
The company is in contract with the property owner, but there has been
no sale yet, he said.
The town is putting the proposal under a microscope and has made no decisions, D’Alessandro said.
“The town is looking to do its due diligence as we do with every project, even more so because a lot of people have brought up issues of different environmental concerns that this project might do there. The town is looking at it very seriously,” he said. “The town has three superfund sites and does not want a fourth.”
D’Alessandro said the planning board has not yet held a public hearing on the proposal by the company, which would store and sell motor vehicles on the property. 

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