Rangers rescue 11 people on the Delaware in one day


DEERPARK – National Park
Service and state DEC forest rangers rescued 11 people in three separate
incidents on the Delaware River on Saturday August 4.

Rangers from both agencies were in a jet boat on the river when a group
of rafters notified them that two people were calling for help.

The rangers found a 62-year-old woman from Lee Center in the water with
her foot stuck in an obstruction and her head just above water. The woman’s
64-year-old friend was also struggling in a raft nearby.

Due to heavy rains, the river level was high and the water was flowing

State Forest Ranger Richard Franke entered the water wearing his personal
flotation device with a line attached.

He freed the woman’s foot and assisted her into the raft. A rope
was attached to the raft and both women were brought onboard the NPS boat.

A second raft with seven people was caught in the same currents. Ranger
Franke tied the raft to a tree and assisted each person, one by one, onto
the NPS board.

Later on the same day, a third party with two people also capsized their
raft upstream and they were swept into the water.

The rangers rescued that pair.


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