Kingston mayor says new gas-fired power plants are counter to climate goals


KINGSTON – The Cricket Valley power plant under construction in Dover, the CPV plant in Wawayanda, both stalled for now, and a third plant, the Lincoln Park facility in the Town of Ulster, are all contrary to sustainable goals, Kingston Mayor Steven Noble said.
Noble, like Ulster County Executive Michael Hein, supports renewable energy sources. The mayor said these facilities don’t fit that mold.
“One of the things we have seen is that through the Public Service Commission and some of the regulations, they have kind of unintentionally encouraged some of this, but it really does fly in the face of the renewable energy push that we are really trying to do here in Ulster County,” he said.
Noble said Hein has been “out in front” on this issue making sure green, sustainable energy is produced. The mayor said these types of gas-fired plants are “counter to our climate goals.” 

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