Sullivan lawmakers say two primaries is a waste of money


MONTICELLO – Most states
have one primary, usually sometime in the spring. The last time New York
had a consolidated primary was in 2012. Now, it’s back to two.

The federal office primary was in June. The state office primary is just
over a month away, on September 13. That’s a Thursday, because Tuesday
is September 11, 9-11.

Sullivan County’s Democrat Election Commissioner, Cora Edwards,
told county legislators on Thursday they should take a stand for reason.

“We had a June primary, we have a September primary, we have all
these primaries out that are costing taxpayers lots of money,” Edwards
said. “The governor, who has an initiative to consolidate and save
taxpayer dollars; I’m not sure why we’re not moving in the
direction of consolidation.”
The full legislature likely will vote on a memorializing resolution supporting
one primary next month.


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