Delgado slams Faso at New Paltz Dem rally


“This is an American thing,” Delgado said to supporters in New Paltz

NEW PALTZ – Congressional candidate Antonio Delgado spoke at a
campaign rally in New Paltz Sunday afternoon, organized by IndivisibleNY19,
NY19Votes and U-Act.
Nearly 200 people gathered to hear him speak, alongside several other
Democratic Party running mates, at the local Community Center.
Delgado delivered fast-paced words, brimming with zeal for the New York 19th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, currently held by first-term Republican John Faso.
Delgado emerged as the Democratic front-runner in a seven-way Primary in June.
Cheered on by supporters, Delgado pulled no punches criticizing his opponent.
“This is not a Democrat or Republican thing. This is an America thing. This is a human thing. This is about the dignity of humanity. Your class, your race, your gender, your sex, does not define your dignity – your humanity does, your life does, that’s what makes us all special, that’s what binds us.”
Delgado said Faso must deal with the issues, not distraction.
Other candidates who spoke included Democratic State Senate hopefuls Jenifer Metzger and Pat Strong, as well as Ulster County Sheriff candidate Juan Figueroa.
Assemblyman Kevin Cahill offered a parting partisan pep talk.
“Republicans do not win elections, democrats lose elections,” Cahill noted, raising a fist in the air. “We lose elections because Democrats don’t always vote. I want you to be an aggressive progressive.” 

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