Attack on elderly woman classified as sexual assault


NANUET – An attack on an
89-year-old woman near College Road and First Street in Nanuet on over
the July Fourth holiday is being classified as a sexual assault based
on medical examinations of the victim.
The victim is experiencing the early stages of memory loss, which Clarkstown
Police said accounts for a lack of information.
If anyone saw any suspicious men in the area including in Normandy Village between 5 p.m. on July 3 and 5 a.m. on July 4, they are asked to call the Clarkstown Police Department’s Detective Bureau at 845-639-5800 or 845-639-5840. Persons may also send an anonymous tip to the police using TIP411 or by sending a text message to 847411 (tip411) then type the keyword “RocklandCODA,” and a space, type your tip information and hit “send.” 

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