Westchester lawmakers address communication breakdown over animal abuse registry


Pebbles, a pit bull violently abused by a woman now under arrest, was a guest of honor at a committee
meeting Monday afternoon.

WHITE PLAINS – Westchester County has an animal abuse registry, but there are only two names on it. Legislators, meeting in committee Monday agreed there is a communication breakdown concerning notifications of persons who should be placed on that list.
County police Captain Mark Busche told the committee there is a specific protocol involved.
“According to the law, I believe, it is the prosecution; however, I would maybe extend that to the magistrates, to the judges,” Busche said. “Maybe they can be educated on this as well.”
Westchester lawmakers suggested talking to other counties, including Orange, which have stronger enforcement of similar laws.
The issue surfaced for discussion in Westchester after the abuse of a dog was captured on video last week.

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