VanBlarcum plans primary after being dumped by Democrats; will likely be on most other ballot lines


Last week, Van Blarcum
was endorsed by the Independent Party. He’ll likely be endorsed by
Republicans and Conservatives

KINGSTON – Ulster County Sheriff Paul VanBlarcum, a three-term incumbent Democrat who lost the party committee’s endorsement on Monday night, for being “too conservative” says he will take the race to a primary.
The sheriff was passed over for retired State Trooper Juan Figueroa,
who received the party’s nomination by a wide margin, but on Tuesday,
VanBlarcum’s co-campaign manager, Frank Faluotico, said the incumbent
has been an excellent leader.
“This is an apolitical office and we are here to serve the people of Ulster County,” Faluotico, a former undersheriff, said.
When VanBlarcum ran last time, he had no opposition and was cross-endorsed by other parties, including the county Republican Party. Its chairman, Roger Rascoe, said they are ready to do it again.
“Our county and several communities in the area that have been deemed as among the safest communities in the country. I am not aware of any problems in the sheriff’s office or the jail operations,” Rascoe said. “I think Paul has served with dignity. He is a professional and is deserving of another term.”
During the last election, the county Conservative Committee also endorsed VanBlarcum and it is expected to back him again.
Conservative Chairman Ed Gaddy said the Democrats “made a big mistake” by not endorsing VanBlarcum. “He is one of the best sheriff’s I have ever seen,” Gaddy said.
Recently, the county Independence Party announced its support for the incumbent sheriff. 

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