Area county attorney to run for attorney general


NEW CITY – Following the resignation of State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the county attorney for the County of Rockland, Thomas Humbach, announced his candidacy for the post. He will seek the Republican nomination on the state level.
“What is needed in Albany today is a person with the clarity of purpose, and the understanding of government, that I will bring to the Office of Attorney General.”
If nominated and elected, Humbach said he would govern with three principles, one being the rule of law. “There will be equal treatment for all and special treatment for none.”
The second is that “oversight of government is paramount. Neither government nor those that govern are sacred.”
Humbach cited the “preservation of the taxpayers’ dollar. Every day, the state and local comptrollers and auditors find misspent and wasted funds that have been taken from you and me, in the form of taxes and other government revenues, to support public projects and operations. Even when you do not agree with the purpose of the spending, you are entitled to the peace of mind that the money is being properly spent.” 

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