State audit critical of Town of Shandaken practices


ALBANY – A state comptroller’s audit found fault with the employee compensation and benefits procedures of the Town of Shandaken.  The study was conducted for the period of January 1, 2016 through October 31, 2017.          
It found that town officials overpaid health insurance buyout incentives to two employees by more than $4,900 and underpaid incentives to two employees by $1,680 during the audit period.
The study also said town officials did not withhold employee contributions for health insurance coverage. As a result, during the audit period, 11 employees were undercharged by more than $4,700, and seven employees were overcharged by $724.  The audit also found that a former employee who retired in 2017 received, used and was paid for leave time to which she was not entitled, valued at $1,842.
The review recommended that the town develop and implement procedures to ensure employee salaries are correctly paid and the amounts withheld and paid for employee benefits are accurate and seek recovery of inappropriate payments.
The audit also said the town should periodically review accrued leave time for accuracy. 

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