Newburgh police offers active shooter avoidance training to houses of worship in city


NEWBURGH – In the face of mass shootings in large gatherings at various locations around the nation, the City of Newburgh is offering active shooter response training to all houses of worship and their congregations.
City Manager Michael Ciaravino said the training will be conducted by the police department under ALERRT – the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training program.
“It will be conducted at your house of worship and will be done in conjunction with a risk assessment of your building by our Newburgh Police Department,” Ciaravino said. “Trained instructors will give your congregation tips on how to make your house of worship more secure, explain basic tips on how to protect yourselves while opening up lines of communication with the police department in the event of an emergency, but also as part of planning.”
The police department is also continuing its active shooter training in Newburgh school buildings. 

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