Pulver highlights civility, respect and a model for good government, as new Dutchess legislature chair


Pulver: “… this legislature can do great things”

POUGHKEEPSIE – “I believe in 2018, this legislature can do great things,” proclaimed Greg Pulver, in accepting the chairmanship of the Dutchess County Legislature.  He said he was looking forward to working with all and putting politics aside.
However, only two of the 11 Democrats voted for him, long-time legislator Barbara Jeter-Jackson, who seconded the nomination and newcomer Randall Johnson.
During the reorganizational meeting on Tuesday night, Pulver laid out some specific targets including fulfilling one set forth several months ago by fellow Republican, County Executive Marcus Molinaro.
“I want to make sure we’re doing everything for the next generation to succeed, as well,” the chairman said.  “That is why I am putting together a task force to monitor the Path to Promise study on youth services taking place in our county and to look at those challenges and opportunities for young people in our community.”
Keeping young people from leaving Dutchess County is a top priority.
Another target is one that in recent months has raised an increasingly dark shadow nationally.
“I want Dutchess County to undergo a review of those services we provide to sexual assault victims as well as child abuse victims. When someone comes forward as a crime victim, we need to make sure the best process is in place for that to be the moment their healing process begins.”
A “Herculean task,” Pulver said, but one that cannot wait.
The chairman said he is looking forward to 2018 and making the Dutchess Legislature a model for good government.
The only reaction came from Democrat Joel Tyner, who found a few things missing.
“I didn’t hear anything about restoring an office of consumer affairs.  I didn’t hear anything about restoring a five-day week to the senior friendship center.  I didn’t hear anything about two years in a row of $5 million worth of jail overtime.”
And the opiate crisis, Tyner noted, repeating a previous claim that, according to him, there are 30 non-violent drug addicts locked up in the county jail every day.
Congratulations to Pulver came from Molinaro, who called the new chairman a “skillful
leader, always willing to consider a good idea and seek consensus.” 

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