Court to decide how to handle ex-police chief leaving guns in unlocked car


The stolen guns, ammo
, were recovered

SAUGERTIES – Police Chief Joseph Sinagra has referred to the court
the case of retired Saugerties Chief Gregory Hulbert for leaving his guns
in his unlocked car.
Because the doors were unlocked, they were stolen.  Sinagra said licensed gun owners must secure their weapons at all times.
“We send Ulster County Court a letter advising that there was an incident involving handguns and that the person has a pistol permit, we provide the court with the information and then it is up to the courts to make a determination as to whether or not a suspension is in order, revocation or someone completely loses their license or the court can say, base on the facts and circumstances, it doesn’t jeopardize a person’s license,” the current chief said.
In the Hulbert case, three arrests were made relating to the stolen weapons, ammunition and retired police ID card.

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