Parking kiosk funds to be reinvested into Kingston communities


Parking revenue will target several parts of the city

KINGSTON – Some 500 permits were sold this year for the six metered Kingston City parking lots. Kiosks to coordinate the metering were installed a few months ago and going forward into the new year, an annual charge of $100 will be levied on permit-holders.
Mayor Steven Noble said for the first time, the city has engaged in participatory
budgeting and will set aside $10,000 for each business district to develop
a plan on how to reinvest the parking funds.
“To be able to be spent by a vote of the people in those districts
and they will be able to go ahead and help us choose where this money
should get spent through a public meeting and some online polling and
then we will be able to spend where it is needed and where the residents,
and business owners and visitors feel $10,000 should go,” the mayor
Noble said in the future the city would like to invest even more money into the communities through local participation.

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