Incoming Middletown councilman will recuse himself from labor issues


MIDDLETOWN – Incoming Middletown
Alderman Sparrow Tobin said he plans to avoid discussing and voting on
CSEA labor issues to prevent a potential conflict of interest.
Tobin is a school teacher and president of the Hudson-Catskill Central
Labor Council and does not want even a hint of a conflict of interest.
“Recuse myself from voting and discussions on the CSEA contract
because they are an affiliate of the labor council,” he said. “My
interest is the taxpayers; I wouldn’t want anybody to think that
I was not looking out for the best interest of them.”
Tobin said as far as the services the employees provife like fire safety,
sanitation, street plowing, tax collection and the like, “I plan
on being an active participant on the council looking out for my constitutents
in the 4th Wrd. I want to make sure that the government is working for
At Tuesday night’s common council meeting, Tobin spoke as a resident
during public comment period saying that while the city administration
is doing a good job, he doesn’t think there should be raises at
a time when CSEA members have not had a new contract in three years.
The council approved pay raises for the mayor and council president on Tuesday night. 

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