Ulster lawmaker proposes extending tax incentives for Cold War vets


KINGSTON – Ulster County
Legislator Vice Chairman James Maloney has proposed local legislation
that would make it easier for Cold War veterans to maintain eligibility
for a property tax exemption.
All honorably discharged veterans are eligible for some real property tax exemptions in Ulster County, but Cold War vets must re-apply periodically. Under Maloney’s proposal, the exemption would remain in effect indefinitely for qualified Cold War veterans.
The state recently passed a law that allows Ulster County to offer the extension to Cold War veterans.
On November 17, the county legislature will vote to set a public hearing on the proposed local law to be held on Tuesday, December 12 at 6:15 p.m. If the proposed local law is approved by the full legislature before the end of the year, it would take effect for the 2018 tax rolls. 

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