Legislation would bring Narcan training to library staffs


Maloney, left, listens as Thrall Library Director Matthew Pfisterer said there have been very few
cases of overdose in his facility, but whenever there is one, Middletown Police respond rapidly.

MIDDLETOWN – Saying that unfortunately, libraries have become locations where people are overdosing on narcotics, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney came to Thrall Library in Middletown on Tuesday to announce legislation that would provide federal funding to train library staff in the proper dispensing of the miracle opioid reversal drug Narcan.
The issue is not just one affecting Middletown, Maloney noted. It is a nationwide epidemic.
“We have seen an alarming increase in the number of overdoses in places like libraries because people can find a quiet spot, use a public bathroom or hideaway, use their drugs and get in trouble,” he said.
Maloney would like to see “a few million dollars” be budgeted to pay for librarian Narcan training nationwide.
James Conklin, head of the Orange County Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, said his agencies would be willing to provide training for staff in every library in the county in a matter of weeks.
Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, Middletown Mayor Joseph DeStefano, Sheriff Carl DuBois and District Attorney David Hoovler all said combating opioid and heroin abuse is a top priority and must be addressed on several fronts including treatment, law enforcement and education.
They advised persons with unwanted prescription medications to bring them to police stations or other drug drop-off locations, but most importantly do not leave them around the house or flush them down the toilet. 

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