Molinaro unveils proposed 2018 Dutchess budget


County Executive Marcus Molinaro today unveiled his proposed 2018 budget
of $480 million. It is the fourth year with no real property tax levy
increase and the third year of a stable real property tax rate.

The spending plan includes a projected increase of two percent the sales
tax in the new year and 1.5 percent projected increase hotel room tax,
including Airbnb.

Molinaro continued his criticism of New York’s mandates that cost
the county 70 percent of the county’s budget.

He was critical of the $1.2 million that the county must pay to subsidize
Fashion Institute of Technology, which the state considers a community
college, despite Molinaro’s contention that it is not.

He also said the state must pay an additional $2 million to pay the mandated
costs of early intervention for challenged children. Molinaro’s
contention is that is education and just as Albany pays for all other
children, it should pick up the cost for those who are challenged.

The 2018 budget includes $26 million for maintenance of roads and bridges.
Molinaro is including $1 million for the county’s farmland protection

The new year will mark the 100th anniversary of World War I and Molinaro
declared 2018 The Year of the Veterans in Dutchess nothing there will
several activities to acknowledge their service and sacrifice.
Over $3 million will be committed to continued domestic violence and
sexual assault prevention and response, including staffing to maintain
the tracking of Domestic Violence Incidence Reports through a coordinated
database for police agencies that allows for enhanced tracking and prosecution,
combined with strategies to prevent future domestic violence.
With 4.75 million tourists coming to the county annually pumping $40
million in local tax revenue, the county executive will add $215,000 to
the county’s contribution to the county’s tourism effort.
County Legislature Chairman Dale Borchert said during the last five budget
cycles, Molinaro’s administration has been very effective in crafting
sound and workable budgets.


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