Kingston to work up details plans for $10 million revitalization grant


KINGSTON – The City of Kingston may have recently been awarded a $10 million state Downtown Revitalization grant, but it will be a while before it can spend any of the money.
Plans and projects must first be delineated and Mayor Steven Noble will
count on a special committee he will form to assist in prioritizing the
“We are going to be looking for projects that have already have been in the planning stages over the years, things we talked about doing in Uptown but never had the funding to do and what are the projects that are going to continue to have Uptown and Kingston be the job growth hub for Ulster County,” Noble said. “Through that process we will come up with projects that we believe are fundable.”
Once the list of proposals is presented to the state, Albany will approve the ones for which the DRI money can be spent. 

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