Dutchess 2016 year-end report shows strong finances


County government’s 2016 year-end financial report shows the county
ended the year with a $10 million surplus in its general fund.

The county’s audited general fund balance is $59.9 million, representing
almost 14 percent of general fund revenues.

County Executive Marcus Molinaro said the county’s commitment to
ensuring a stable fund balance helped secure the AA+ bond rating from
Standard & Poor’s, property tax reductions for three consecutive
years and property tax rate decreases for the past two years.

Over the last several years, the county has made “tremendous strides
in stabilizing and strengthening our county finances,” said Molinaro.

County Comptroller James Coughlan credited the county’s strong financial
position to “Careful scrutiny of expenses, maximizing revenue opportunities,
internal control and operating efficiencies, and overall commitment to
fiscal stability throughout Dutchess County Government has led to lower
property taxes, reduced debt, improved bond rating and better delivery
of services for residents.”


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