Orange County CSEA backs Neuhaus for re-election


GOSHEN – The CSEA, the largest union representing Orange County employees, has endorsed Republican County Executive Steven Neuhaus for re-election in November.
The endorsement came from both the county employees’ unit and the local representing public employees in municipalities and school districts in the county.
CSEA Regional President Billy Riccaldo said Neuhaus has worked “collaboratively with CSEA, which has allowed him to find cost savings for taxpayers while respecting our workforce and preserving county services.”
Orange County Local President Glen Arnold said a “strong labor-management relationship benefits our entire county.” He said Neuhaus’ “ability to collaborate with CSEA and willingness to listen tour concerns has helped us improve worker morale.”
CSEA Orange County Unit President Rosemarie Kukys, a registered nurse at the Valley View nursing home, said the county exec has had an open-door policy, “which has allowed us to work together on problem-solving, and finding solutions that are acceptable to the workforce and taxpayers.”
Neuhaus faces Democrat Patrick Davis in November. 

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