Poughkeepsie launches downtown parking study, seeks public input


Blue lines: onstreet parking — Solid blue: offstreet parking

POUGHKEEPSIE – The City of Poughkeepsie, in conjunction with the Dutchess County Transportation Council, announces the start of a federally funded parking study of the city’s extended downtown area.
This planning initiative, happening at no cost to the city, will identify ways to ensure that the downtown parking system is being operated and managed in an efficient and effective manner, consistent with the city’s revitalization goals. Specifically, the parking study will quantify and assess downtown parking supply and demand, pinpoint parking issues for everyday activities and special events, and prioritize ways to improve parking facility operations and maintenance. The study will also look at downtown parking policies to include enforcement and pricing strategies.
Since public participation in this effort is essential, the project team will be using a variety of tools (e.g. public events and stakeholder interviews) to gather feedback from residents, visitors, and business owners. This outreach is beginning with an online parking survey, where we are seeking public input about their parking habits – how and where they use city parking facilities – and more importantly, ways they might improve parking. The survey will be open until October 16, 2017 and is available at:  www.surveymonkey.com/r/PoughkeepsieParkingStudy

For more information about the parking study, please visit the project website at http://cityofpoughkeepsie.com/parkingimprovementplan/, where you’ll find project updates and links to project materials.

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