Sullivan County cited for Budget excellence


Potosek and Management and Budget Commissioner Janet Young

MONTICELLO – For the second time, the Sullivan County Manager’s Office and the Division of Management and Budget have earned the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
“This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. Its attainment represents a significant achievement by your organization,” GFOA Technical Services Center Acting Director Todd Buikema wrote in congratulations to Sullivan County Manager Josh Potosek.
A panel of judges carefully reviewed more than 1,600 budgets submitted to the GFOA, including Sullivan County’s version for the 2017 fiscal year. They judged the budgets on their excellence as policy documents, financial plans, operations guides and communications devices, deeming Sullivan’s to be “proficient” in all four categories.
“To have won this award from a major national professional association is testament to the fine work our Management and Budget team undertakes every day,” Potosek said. “The attention to detail and our focus on responsibility to taxpayers were noticed by the judges, and we aim to continue that record of achievement in 2018’s budget, now under development.”
“I am immensely proud to note that Sullivan County was one of only 14 government organizations statewide to receive this prestigious award,” said District 1 Legislator Scott Samuelson, who chairs the Management and Budget Committee of the County Legislature. “It was also the only rural county in New York to achieve this level of excellence, proving that even amidst limited resources, our staff remains committed to peak performance day in and day out.” 

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