Incoming SUNY New Paltz class largest in college’s history


NEW PALTZ – The SUNY New Paltz
Class of 2021 moves in on Thursday, August 24 with some 1,150 first-year
students and 900 transfer students to begin their fall semester classes.
College Vice President for Enrollment Management L. David Eaton said the incoming class “is noteworthy not only because of its size and academic caliber, but also because it is the most diverse class in the college’s history. These attributes help fuel a rich intellectual climate.”
Despite the large size of the incoming class, the college’s overall enrollment has not grown. That is due in part to the drop in the college’s graduate enrollments and the fact that a larger incoming undergraduate class must be recruited to replace the ever-increasing number of New Paltz undergraduate students who are completing their studies sooner.
The New Paltz four-year graduation rate is equal to the average six-year rate for other public colleges and universities in New York and nationally.
The incoming class is also the most racially and ethnically diverse class in the college’s history. Some 36 percent of the combined incoming class of first-year and transfer students is from historically underrepresented groups, including increases in the number of black students and Latino students. The first-year class includes about 40 percent from historically underrepresented groups.

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